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Monday, March 5, 2012

Jenna in Mrs. Peacock's Class

SideKicks by Dan Santat

I chose this book because it looked like a good book. It is not a Newbery winner, but it is about four friends who live together and then part ways. Two still are friends and two of them come back to help the others. These are the friends that are animals: a dog, a cat, a lizard and a hamster. They save their owner Captain Amazing. He retired to be with his pets. It is a really good book. You should read it too.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ethan in Mrs. Peacock's room

Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain by Verna Aardema

I like this book because it's kind of like The Woman who Swallowed a Fly in some ways. Stuff keeps happening until the rain falls on Kapiti Plain. The cows were dry because the rain. The grass wasn't green because the rain hadn't fallen. A bird drops a feather while passing by. Ki-pat took the feather and made a bow. He used the bow and shot the cloud and it started to rain on Kapiti Plain.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Brandon in Ms. Ludtke's room

Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary

This book is good because it is about a kid that writes to this author named Mr. Henshaw. The kid's name is Leigh Botts and his parents are divorced because when his parents were married and hid dad started going cross country in his truck they got divorced. Mr. Henshaw's book Ways to Amuse a Dog and he does tons of book reports on it as he gets older. When Leigh's dad is driving in his truck, Leigh waits for his dad to call him, but he usually doesn't. One time he called Leigh because his dad lost Bandit. Hid dad sent him a letter with a napkin with twenty dollars and the napkin said "sorry about bandit, go buy yourself an ice cream cone. Leigh was mad about that. Leigh also got to meet the famous author too. I think this got the Newbery medal because it is just an awesome book.

Chase in Mrs. Peacock 's room

Saturn by Elaine Landau

Saturn is a really interesting planet. Saturn has seven rings and the rings are not one piece. They are made of rock from the sizes of tinier that a grain of sand to larger than a house. If a space ship enters Saturn's atmosphere it would crush like a can. Saturn has no solid surface to stand on, so if you tried to stand on it you would go right through. That's just some facts about Saturn. Learn more about it my going to the astronomy section in the library.

Tate in Mrs. Peacock's room

The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth Speare

This book is about twelve year old Matt when a bear wrecks his cabin and he tries to get honey. But the bees have stopped him. Then he is rescued by an Indian named Attean. One day they meet a bear. Will the bear kill them? Will the bear get killed? Read this Newbery honor book and find out.

Emma in Mrs. Peacock's room

Galaxies by Howard K. Trammel

Galaxies are filled with stars, gas and dust. Galaxies with lots of gas and dust usually have more stars. All galaxies are not alike. They have different numbers of stars and different shapes.